Blogging at last. Thanks for stopping by.
Updated 2013-08-14: I've switched from Octopress to Hexo, a Node.js alternative. Check the documentation to learn how to use.
Who Am I
I'm a JavaScript developer mainly on the front-end of web applications.
I Like Test-Driven Development
I really like test-driven development. TDD helps me keep things simpler, flatter, readable, and explainable. If I don't understand where the tests are going or how to get there, then it's time to stop and get help or re-think the problem – mainly to avoid checking something in that will harm others' understanding and productivity.
The list of TDD advantages below is copied from a comment on Cedric Beust's blog:
- Interruptability
- Less fragility
- Refactoring
- Less time wasted
Things I Don't Like
As a front-end developer, there are just some things about development I don't like:
- tag soup
- the culture of hacking and rushing (to borrow a tweet from Alan Cooper))
- JavaScript's lack of global management (namespacing by object trees doesn't count)
- JavaScript's lack of import management (CommonJS doesn't count in the browser; AMD doesn't count on Node.JS)
- CSS's lack of variables
- CSS's lack of modules
- reliance on pre-processors to solve these issues
- the in-fill rushing of experts solving these lacunae
- expert opinions on performance
- opinions in general
On the Fence
I'm Not Sure About Pre-processors:
- JS pre-processors (CoffeeScript) (although CS does some interesting things)
- HTML pre-processors (jade, haml, markdown) (although hexo uses markdown)
- CSS pre-processors (Sass, LESS, Stylus) (although hexo uses stylus)
- ANY pre-processors and source transformation steps (browserify, uglify, closure, compressor)
Code should work with as little modification as possible.
Disclaimer, of course
Being opinionated myself, and occasionally correct, I reserve the right to change my mind on these topics.